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family history research

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We're here to help.

We can take on a brand new tree or line of research; we can disentangle confused threads of existing research;

we can do oral histories from interviews to writing up; and we can set findings in their social and historical context.

There is so much online information that is wrong - some 50% of online private trees that we see have errors, from little telling details to entire branches. Transcription errors are also common on subscription sites, despite good intentions.

We cut though with care and concentration, to get the most accurate picture for you.

Our backgrounds are in journalism, academia and the performing arts, so you can trust us to investigate, assess

and to write a compelling story of your family's past.

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research examples

We seek confirmation of every detail and piece everything together

That means that we only assert what we are sure is true, and we provide all documentation and sources to you in our report.

We go beyond the big family history sites into all sorts of archives to shed light on every area that is still possible to find.

We can read documents in German, French and Italian, and can engage expert help in other languages. 

We are expert in setting our findings in their historical context, so you get a feel for the living arrangements, health, and working lives 

of your ancestors, and how these relate to the events of the day.

No padding, just rich life experience.

work plans and pricing

We start with an interview with you, to find out what you want and how much you already know.

We may suggest tasks for you before we begin work, and we will lay out what we suggest our first goals are.

This typically takes an hour and a half, after which we will write a plan or work. This part costs $200 inclusive of writing the report.

For bigger projects we work in 10 hour blocks, charged at $60/hour. Shorter jobs can be charged by the hour.

Any documents that have to be paid for will be itemised and charged for separately,

and we will outline what we expect to have to look for in the initial report.

This way, you keep control of your budget.

We undertake to maintain complete confidentiality with regard to all the information that you give us, and with everything that we find. We recognise that it is a privilege to research your family. We respect all copyright protections of archive material, physical and digital, and will treat any physical items that you lend us with all due care.

We know that appropriate language changes over time, and we will always try to apply sensitivity

in dealing with derogatory or dismissive terms that have fallen out of use

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children group

Thanks for getting in touch!

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